Mountain Landscapes Hub

@Geography Department Universidad de Concepción

About Us

We investigate the dynamics of mountain landscapes, with a strong emphasis on understanding climate-cryosphere interactions and hydroclimatic fluctuations at diverse spatio-temporal scales. Our toolkit includes numerical climate modeling, hydroclimatic observations, climate proxies, GIS, and remote sensing. We deeply value interdisciplinary approaches to address hydroclimatic challenges that are crucial for societal needs.

​The Team

Alfonso Fernández, Ph.D. (Link to CV)

Full Professor
Department of Geography
Hub coordinator

Sofía Navas

Ph.D. Candidate
Geological Sciences
Universidad de Concepción
Research: Glacial Geomorphology, paleoclimate

Francisco Castro

Ph.D. Candidate
Geological Sciences
Also member of the Multiamenazas Group Research: Natural Hazards

Hazem Mahmoud

Ph.D. Candidate
Environmental Science and Engineering
University of Texas San Antonio
Also Scientist at NASA
Research: Glacier Volume Change, Photogrammetry

Felipe Pino

Masters Student
Geographical Analysis
Universidad de Concepción

Research: Elevation Dependent Warning

Undergraduate students

Katya Castro (Geography)
Valentina Escalona (Geography)
Felipe Jara (Geography)
Ignacio Vargas (Geology)
Gabriela Zurita (Geography)

Active Research Grants

Supporting detailed monitoring of Nevados de Chillán, Ñuble region, central macro-zone.

Funding: Ministry of Public Works

Implementación de una infraestructura de datos geoespacial geomorfológica (I2GEO), para la región del BioBío: una herramienta estandarizada para la planificación territorial.

Funding: ANID - FONDEF

Programa Ciencia Interdisciplinaria para las Montañas de los Andes del Sur (CIMASur).

Funding: Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad de Concepción

Trajectories of glacier volume in the Sierra del Brujo, Central Chile (34º30’S) under the RCP8.5 scenario using reanalysis of multidecadal geodetic mass balance and coupled atmosphere-cryosphere modeling.


Modeling mountain streamflow and hydroclimate-elevation feedbacks in the Andean Araucania of Chile.


Changing landscapes: From glaciers to lakes.

Funding: National Geographic Society

Fortalecimiento del intercambio y vinculación internacional de investigación y formación de recursos humanos para el estudio de cambios en el paisaje y sus efectos en ambientes de montaña.

Funding: ANID

Two or three minutes to midnight? Tropical ice loss following Amazon tipping points.

Funding: Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation.


After nearly a decade, we have proudly established ourselves as the focal point of mountain studies at the Universidad de Concepción. Many of our former members are emerging as leaders in their own right, advancing the field of mountain studies, or have successfully transitioned to roles in government, industry, and consultancy. Here is a list of some of them and their current positions.

Jan Erik Arndt

Postdoctoral Scholar
Currently: Senior Lecturer @Boku University, Austria

Natalia Carmona

Masters in Geographical Analysis
Currently: Analyst @Mapcity-Equifax

Belén Cartes

Masters in Geographical Analysis
Currently: Mining industry

Isabella Ciocca

Masters in Regional Sciences
Currently: Analyst - Chilean Water Authority (DGA)

David Farías

Postdoctoral scholar
Currently: Associate Professor
Department of Geography - Universidad de Concepción
(David established his own Cryosphere Group @UdeC)

Mariajosé Herrera

Postdoctoral scholar
Currently: Associate Professor
Department of Geography - Universidad de Concepción
(Mariajosé is establishing her group on Geomorphology)

Gianni Leal

Masters in Geographical Analysis
Currently: Independent Consultant

Alan Pinos

Masters in Geographical Analysis
Currently: Analyst - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Navy, Ecuador (INOCAR)

Andreaw Rifo

Masters in Regional Sciences
Currently: Lecturer - Geomatic Engineering, UdeC

Vanúcia Schumacher

Ph.D. in Applied Meteorology
Currently: Scientist - National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil

Juan Varas

Masters in Geographical Analysis
Currently: Scientist - Formation Environmental, Sacramento, USA

Undergraduate students

Mauricio Aleuy (Geography)
Carlos Almendras (Geography)
Iván Belmar (Geography)
Walter Bravo (Geography)
Javiera Bustamante (Geography)
Ramón Herrera (Geology)
Abimelec Jesús (Geography)
Patricia Lagos (Geography)
Ignacio Ortiz (Geography)
Carlos Pérez (Geography)
Manuel Suazo (Geophysics)
Patricio Torres (Geography)

​Do you want to join the team?

There are several ways to join our team. The easiest route is as a student in one of the undergraduate or graduate programs where Alfonso Fernández teaches, advises, and/or co-advises students:

Geography undergraduate program
Geology undergraduate program
Geophysics undergraduate program
Masters in Geographical Analysis
Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D. in Estudios Territoriales del Sur Global
Ph.D. in Geological Sciences

Another way to join our team is as a Postdoctoral Scholar. Several funding sources have supported Postdoctoral Fellows in our group, including the Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Chilean Science Council, the Universidad de Concepción Postdoctoral Program, and some of our research grants.